For the first mock-up idea I
created I decided to use influences from the magazine "Girl Talk".
This was because the results from the question I produced said that girls
between 10 and 14 read this magazine.
The first
influence I got from this magazine was the Masthead. As this magazine is called
"Girl Talk", I thought I would name my magazine something similar and
decided with “Girls Only”. I thought this name would appeal to my target
audience of young girls as it’s quite childish. I tried to use quite a busy
cover as I thought it would appeal to young girls.
After creating this cover, I now
think the main image is too big and should in fact be smaller. If it was
smaller, there would be more room for more cover lines which I think this cover
needs. However, the puffs used at the bottom of the cover page are interesting
and relatable to the young girls the magazine is aimed at.
I also feel as though the
masthead on this cover does not stand out enough and I should have used a
brighter pink. However, I think the layout of the masthead is in fact eye-catching.
Furthermore, as the background to
this magazine cover is white, I feel as though it is not appealing to the young
girls that the magazine is aimed at. I think using a different, and brighter,
background colour would make the cover page more appealing to these young
girls. Also, I decided to only use pink and purple on this cover as I thought
the young girls would prefer these feminine colours to more masculine ones.
Furthermore, for the next mock-up I will try to use a wider range of colours.
I think the font I used for this
cover would make the young girls feel more mature and it is also appealing to
the eye. I will be using this font for the final front page cover and two page
spread I create.
The free signed poster advertised
on the front cover makes this magazine more appealing to the young girls it’s
aimed at. It also makes these young girls think the magazine is great value for
the price.