Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Questionnaire - Reflection

Questionnaire - Reflection

As I felt that I needed a better understanding of what my target audience of young girls want to see in a magazine, I decided to create a questionnaire. I only used 6 questions as I knew that if there were any more, the girls would get bored and not fill it out properly. The questions used were wrote simply as the girls answering them were as young as 8. I decided to use questions with quantifiable answers as I knew it would be quick and easy when reflecting on the data I gathered. This meant that the young girls had to choose from a range of answers for the majority of the questions. Furthermore, I decided to write ‘please circle’ under these quantifiable questions so the girls knew how make their choice clear. I also thought the girls would find it more interesting rather than just writing their answers.

The first question I asked these girls was their age. This was because I wanted to be able to identify the age of the girls when reflecting on the data. I then went onto ask if the young girls usually read magazines and if so which ones. This would help when I go on to choose which magazines to annotate. I also asked how much each young girl would usually spend on a magazine as I needed a rough idea of how much I should price my magazine. I then asked what the girls like to see in a magazine as I needed to know what to include. As I already knew the majority of girls aged between 8 and 14 have a celebrity crush, I decided to ask each of the young girls who their celebrity crush is. This would also help when deciding what magazines to annotate and what to include in my magazine. 

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