Friday, 8 November 2013

Audience Task - What happens in Kavos..

Audience Task - What happens in Kavos..

The audience for What happens in Kavos is primarily 18-30 year old's as this is the prime time in someones life. Also, this is the age bracket in which someone needs to be in to go on a club life holiday. However, the audience had recently got wider and is now aged 16 to mid 30's. The audience is both male and female of the working and middle class. this is because it is mainly the working and middle class on the show, and the idea of going on holiday with just your friends to go out drinking and partying every night wouldn't really appeal to the upper class. This is because the audience can relate if they're going or have been to Kavos, or on holiday in general.
What happens in Kavos meets certain uses and gratifications, such as entertainment and escapism as the TV program is very funny. Also, the audience can either get excited for their holiday or reminisce about their Kavos experience. This TV program also meets the gratification of information as the program shows what Kavos, and any other club life holiday, are truely about. Another gratification this program meets is social integration as everyone aged 16-18 talks about their first holiday away from parents. Also, whenever friends that have been to Kavos together watch What happens in Kavo they will reminisce about their experience  Therefore, this program is a basis of conversation. 

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